// Written in the D programming language.
 + Authors: KanzakiKino
 + Copyright: KanzakiKino 2018
 + License: LGPL-3.0
module w4d.layout.gravity;
import w4d.layout.placer.base,
import gl3n.linalg;

/// A layout object that moves the center pos.
/// You should set a parent of the owner not to shrink. (Specify Scalar.Auto)
class GravityLayout : FillLayout
    protected vec2 _center;

    this ( Placer placer, Layoutable owner, vec2 center )
        super( placer, owner );
        _center = center;

    override void place ( vec2 pt, vec2 sz )
        super.place( pt, sz );
        style.floating = true;

        auto late = sz - style.box.collisionSize;
        late.x   *= _center.x;
        late.y   *= _center.y;
        shift( late );
        _beforeBasePos -= late;