1 // Written in the D programming language.
2 /++
3  + Authors: KanzakiKino
4  + Copyright: KanzakiKino 2018
5  + License: LGPL-3.0
6 ++/
7 module w4d.widget.popup.dialog.base;
8 import w4d.parser.colorset,
9        w4d.style.rect,
10        w4d.style.scalar,
11        w4d.widget.popup.base,
12        w4d.widget.base,
13        w4d.exception;
14 import gl3n.linalg;
16 /// A base widget of popup dialog.
17 class PopupDialogWidget : PopupWidget
18 {
19     ///
20     override void handlePopup ( bool opened, WindowContext w )
21     {
22         if ( opened ) {
23             requestLayout();
24         }
25         super.handlePopup( opened, w );
26     }
28     ///
29     this ()
30     {
31         super();
33         parseColorSetsFromFile!"colorset/dialog.yaml"( style );
34         style.box.borderWidth = Rect(1.pixel);
35         style.box.paddings    = Rect(2.mm);
36     }
38     ///
39     override void move ( vec2, vec2 )
40     {
41         throw new W4dException( "Cannot move the dialog." );
42     }
44     ///
45     override vec2 layout ( vec2 pos, vec2 parentSize )
46     {
47         const size = .Widget.layout( pos, parentSize );
48         auto  late = (parentSize-size)/2 + pos;
49         late      -= style.translate;
51         shift( late - style.translate );
53         return vec2(0,0);
54     }
55 }