// Written in the D programming language. /++ + Authors: KanzakiKino + Copyright: KanzakiKino 2018 + License: LGPL-3.0 ++/ module w4d.widget.popup.tooltip; import w4d.parser.colorset, w4d.style.rect, w4d.style.scalar, w4d.widget.popup.base, w4d.widget.text; import g4d.ft.font; import gl3n.linalg; /// A widget of tooltip. class PopupTooltipWidget : PopupWidget { protected TextWidget _text; /// override bool handleMouseMove ( vec2 pos ) { if ( super.handleMouseMove(pos) ) return true; close(); return true; } /// this () { super(); _text = new TextWidget; addChild( _text ); parseColorSetsFromFile!"colorset/menu.yaml"( style ); style.box.borderWidth = Rect(1.pixel); } /// Changes tooltip text. void loadText ( dstring v, FontFace face = null ) { _text.loadText( v, face ); } /// Moves to the pos. void move ( vec2 pos ) { super.move( pos, _text.wantedSize ); } }