- _status
WidgetStatus _status;
Undocumented in source.
- status
inout(WidgetStatus) status [@property getter]
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- _context
WindowContext _context;
Undocumented in source.
- _style
WidgetStyle _style;
Undocumented in source.
- style
inout(WidgetStyle) style [@property getter]
- _colorset
ColorSet _colorset;
Undocumented in source.
- colorset
colorset [@property getter]
- _layout
Layout _layout;
Undocumented in source.
- layoutObject
inout(Layout) layoutObject [@property getter]
- _needLayout
bool _needLayout;
Undocumented in source.
- _box
BoxElement _box;
Undocumented in source.
- findChildAt
Widget findChildAt(vec2 pt)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- __anonymous
mixin Mouse
Undocumented in source.
- __anonymous
mixin Keyboard
Undocumented in source.
- handleChangeStatus
void handleChangeStatus(WidgetState s, bool )
- handlePopup
void handlePopup(bool , WindowContext )
- wantedSize
vec2 wantedSize [@property getter]
- children
Widget[] children [@property getter]
- calcedChildren
Widget[] calcedChildren [@property getter]
Child widgets that have no uncalculated style properties.
- childPlacerOwners
PlacerOwner[] childPlacerOwners [@property getter]
Child widgets that are casted to PlacerOwner.
- childLayoutables
Layoutable[] childLayoutables [@property getter]
Child widgets that are casted to Layoutable.
- infectWindowContext
void infectWindowContext()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- setLayout
void setLayout(Args args)
- checkNeedLayout
bool checkNeedLayout(bool recursively)
Checks if the widget needs re-layout.
- needLayout
bool needLayout [@property getter]
Checks if the widget needs re-layout.
- requestLayout
void requestLayout()
- layout
void layout(vec2i size)
Re-layouts the widget.
Be called only by Window.
- layout
vec2 layout(vec2 pos, vec2 size)
- shift
void shift(vec2 size)
- needRedraw
bool needRedraw [@property getter]
Checks if the widget needs redrawing.
- requestRedraw
void requestRedraw()
- drawBox
void drawBox(Window win)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- drawChildren
void drawChildren(Window win)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- draw
void draw(Window win)
Draws the widget.
Be called only by Window.
- draw
void draw(Window win, ColorSet parent)